
How to Handle Supervised Visitation and Make a Good Impression

No one ever goes into a marriage and having children thinking Ooh…  I can’t wait till I’ve been with someone 20 years and have an amazing child and financial stability and have everything I know torn out from my heart.  My marriage is over, I have no home, no money, and I must pay some stranger to be with me while I visit my child because I’m not a fit parent.  If this is your reality, then welcome to “life Hackers”- you have just been hacked.  Everything as you knew it has been stripped, changed, you are obviously now guilty till proven innocent. So, whether you believe it or not, let’s be frankly honest here- You or both of you are accused of something wrong to get here:  Whether it was:  DV, Addiction problems, mental health issues, Alienation, neglect, sexual assault even sickness (I have many cases that the parent is just too sick to care for their child).  There are steps to get out.  You have to do the steps like I have stressed. Whether it is classes or therapy.  Even if you th

Rules for ZOOM – Virtual Visits

  If you can’t do a visit because of COVID – we can still do a supervised zoom visit for Connecticut or Los Angeles . Be on time. We promise to start and end the visits according to the times scheduled. If you do not join the visit within 5 minutes of scheduled time, the visit will be cancelled and a charge for the full visit will be incurred (fee varies) Be considerate. Be considerate of the other parent’s privacy of their home. Parents with children will have the child/children in a room with no distractions. Earbuds. Children/children will be asked to wear earbuds or headphones during visit. Be prepared. Be prepared to interact with your child. Have multiple activities to do together virtually. Please have these activities already planned before the visit. Do not multitask. Stay mentally and physically present. It is easy to get distracted on a virtual visit, but our objective is important and we need your full attention in order for you to remain child focused and to meet the goals

4 Tips for Dealing with Emotions in Mediation

If you’re preparing for a mediation services in Los Angeles, California (or anywhere else, really), it helps to know about 4 key skills that can help you during the mediation process. Most mediations involve a mediator who has been trained to stay neutral and help the participants make their own decisions. The mediator is in charge of the process and the participants are in charge of making proposals and making decisions about the issues at hand. Sometimes people try to persuade the mediator to take sides, but the mediator is supposed to be very careful to stay neutral and to help the parties make their own decisions. The following 4 skills can help. 1.       Managed Emotions           Talking about unresolved issues can be emotionally upsetting. However, it is possible to manage your own emotions by anticipating upsetting moments and preparing for them. Don’t be surprised if you feel frustrated or angry upon hearing different points of view, hearing proposals you don’t like, and havi

Five Reasons to Work With A Parenting Coordinator

What Parenting Coordinators Do in Los Angeles California Parenting coordinators are specially trained professionals whose work focuses on helping co-parents manage their parenting plan, improve communication, and resolve disputes. The role of a parenting coordinator will vary based on what a family needs and what the court may stipulate. It is helpful to a child visitation monitor in Los Angeles . A parenting coordinator may monitor that parents are complying with their parenting agreement, to educate and offer recommendations on ways to solve issues, or to even make individual decisions for the parents based on what the court allows. A parenting coordinator is there to work with the co-parents, yet the overarching focus of their work is to uphold the best interests of the children and encourage each parent to do so as well.  As a co-parent, you may be wondering if working with a parenting coordinator is in your best interest. If you are always in conflict and cannot resolve issues wit

What Experience do you need to become a monitor? What are the Qualifications required in my State?

California and Florida are the only states so far to set standards for those seeking to work as a Professional Supervised Visitation Monitor . All other states work directly with the local courts to follow procedures set forth by each county. - MANDATORY QUALIFICATION OF MONITORS: Be at least 21 years old. Have a Livescan/Background check done or be registered with Trustline. Have no record of a conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) within last five years. Not have been on probation or parole for the last 10 years. Have no record of a conviction for child molestation, child abuse, or other crimes against a person. Have proof of automobile insurance if transporting the child. Have no civil, criminal, or juvenile restraining orders within the last 10 years. Have no current or past court order in which the provider is the person being supervised. Be able to speak the language of the party being supervised and of the child, or provider must provide a neutral interpreter over 18

What is Supervised Visitation

  Supervised visitation, sometimes referred to as Monitored Visitation, Supervised Child Access, or Supervised Child Contact, refers to contact between a non-custodial parent and one or more children in the presence of a third person responsible for observing and seeking to ensure the safety of those involved. Supervised visit services are for families with children who are involved in high-risk emotional or physical situations. The supervised visitation Provider offers a safe and protected environment to control external influences of stress on the child. Professional Supervisors are ordered by the family and juvenile dependency courts.A "professional provider" is any person paid for providing supervised visitation services, or an independent contractor, employee, intern, or volunteer operating independently or through a supervised visitation center or agency . The professional provider in California must: (1) Be 21 years of age or older; (2) Have no record of conviction

How to Modify an Existing Child Custody or Visitation Order in Carpinteria, California

After a judge makes a custody and visitation order in Carpinteria California, 1 or both parents may want to change the order. There are many good reasons why a parenting plan may need to be changed. As the children get older, for example, their needs, interests, and activities change. And as each of the parents moves on with his or her separate life, new partners, new jobs, or new homes can all mean that the parenting plan needs to be changed.  If the parents agree on the changes, they can  change their court order by using an agreement .  But if the parents cannot agree on the changes, 1 of the parents must file papers with the court asking for a change (a “modification”) of your current child custody and visitation order. If you want to change your order, you and the other parent will probably have to meet with a mediator to talk about why you want the order to change before you go to the court hearing. You have to show that there has been a “change in circumstances” since the final