
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to Modify an Existing Child Custody or Visitation Order in Carpinteria, California

After a judge makes a custody and visitation order in Carpinteria California, 1 or both parents may want to change the order. There are many good reasons why a parenting plan may need to be changed. As the children get older, for example, their needs, interests, and activities change. And as each of the parents moves on with his or her separate life, new partners, new jobs, or new homes can all mean that the parenting plan needs to be changed.  If the parents agree on the changes, they can  change their court order by using an agreement .  But if the parents cannot agree on the changes, 1 of the parents must file papers with the court asking for a change (a “modification”) of your current child custody and visitation order. If you want to change your order, you and the other parent will probably have to meet with a mediator to talk about why you want the order to change before you go to the court hearing. You have to show that there has been a “change in circumstances” since the final

Everyone Needs a Shepherd: A Children's Guide to Supervised Visits

At a time of great loss in my life I wrote a poem called “the Angels were awaiting thee”, the words just came to me and I never forgot them for over 20 years.  Then about 15 years ago I read a passage in a book called “on Combat “ by Lt. Col Dave Grossman about the sheep, sheepdog and wolf theory.  I actually contacted him and asked if I could write a children’s book on it.  He was open to it, but I never got the inspiration and someone else did it with him, an author named, Stephanie Rogish.  I bought it and used it in my Supervised visitation practice for Monitors training and children.   That book didn’t really pertain to what the children were going thru and the message wasn’t clear for them.  I then wrote about the missing ingredient- “the Shepherd”!  The Shepherd is just a Modern day Monitor and is what we do on a daily basis looking out for these children. If your curious what a monitor does the definition is:  Supervised visitation, sometimes referred to as Monitored Visitation