
Showing posts from December, 2020

Rules for ZOOM – Virtual Visits

  If you can’t do a visit because of COVID – we can still do a supervised zoom visit for Connecticut or Los Angeles . Be on time. We promise to start and end the visits according to the times scheduled. If you do not join the visit within 5 minutes of scheduled time, the visit will be cancelled and a charge for the full visit will be incurred (fee varies) Be considerate. Be considerate of the other parent’s privacy of their home. Parents with children will have the child/children in a room with no distractions. Earbuds. Children/children will be asked to wear earbuds or headphones during visit. Be prepared. Be prepared to interact with your child. Have multiple activities to do together virtually. Please have these activities already planned before the visit. Do not multitask. Stay mentally and physically present. It is easy to get distracted on a virtual visit, but our objective is important and we need your full attention in order for you to remain child focused and to meet the goals