
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to Handle Supervised Visitation and Make a Good Impression

No one ever goes into a marriage and having children thinking Ooh…  I can’t wait till I’ve been with someone 20 years and have an amazing child and financial stability and have everything I know torn out from my heart.  My marriage is over, I have no home, no money, and I must pay some stranger to be with me while I visit my child because I’m not a fit parent.  If this is your reality, then welcome to “life Hackers”- you have just been hacked.  Everything as you knew it has been stripped, changed, you are obviously now guilty till proven innocent. So, whether you believe it or not, let’s be frankly honest here- You or both of you are accused of something wrong to get here:  Whether it was:  DV, Addiction problems, mental health issues, Alienation, neglect, sexual assault even sickness (I have many cases that the parent is just too sick to care for their child).  There are steps to get out.  You have to do the steps like I have stressed. Whether it is classes or therapy.  Even if you th